聯合國第十一屆世界大學生領導者研討會11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) 2023 at UN將於2023年8月1日至8月4日於泰國曼谷舉辦,3/6(一)截止收件,歡迎踴躍報名參加!
※歡迎有意願的同學踴躍報名參加! 還可以向國際處申請國際交流補助補助機票費喔!
Do you want to do your part in realising a better future?
Do you want to build a sustainable, inclusive, and humane world?
Do you want to be part of something greater than yourself?
If YES, we are inviting you TO APPLY for the 11th editions of the University Scholars Leadership Symposium 2023.
After a 3-year absence due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the much-awaited University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) for outstanding student leaders has returned to the United Nations.
Humanitarian Affairs Asia is hosting the 11th USLS to gather outstanding young leaders from around the world who are passionate about social change. The summit will be held at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand from 1 to 4 August, 2023.
We are expecting approximately 1,200 emerging world leaders from over 100 United Nations Member States to participate in this prestigious youth leadership event, which focuses on developing leaders to bring about social change. In previous editions, we had the following strategic and knowledge partners showcasing their work at the USLS:
The 4-day symposium seeks to ignite the flame of humanity within the world’s youth and set your hearts ablaze to champion positive societal change. The symposium will empower you through listening to inspirational speakers, humanitarians in their own rights. You will participate in the transformational service day to learn and serve the most vulnerable and neglected communities.
The USLS is your global platform to lead the change in building a peaceful, inclusive and sustainable world. Get inspired and empowered at the USLS to contribute towards the realisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Individual (Full Benefits)- USD 1,450.00(+ 7% VAT)
Group (At least 10 Person)- USD 1,400.00(+ 7% VAT)
Individual (No Accommodation)- USD 1,000.00(+ 7% VAT)
Visit the website (https://www.humanitarianaffairs.asia/UniversityScholarsLeadershipSymposium/RegistrationFee/) for the Registration Fees, Program Schedule and Speakers Profiles.
Students will be fully responsible for the entire expenses. This will test students on their resourcefulness and entrepreneurship.
Partial funding from TCU OIA: Students can apply for overseas exchange and subsidies 國際交流補助(http://www.oia.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=3150), subsidized airfare.
Click here(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=parlOvytPas) to watch the post event video of the previous event at the UN.
Send the Application Form (attached) to Office of International Affairs (OIA), Ms. Chien-Yi, at chieni@gms.tcu.edu.tw by March 6. OIA will help submit the registration form to Humanitarian Affairs Asia Office.
Kindly note, students who apply by March 6 2023 will receive the highest consideration to be accepted to the 11th USLS 2023.
Bringing the World Together as ONE!
For more information, please contact OIA Ms. Chien-Yi by email chieni@gms.tcu.edu.tw or phone (03)856-5301 #1014.
Office of International Affairs.