Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Link to UNSDG: SDG 11
Evidence for THE Impact Ranking
11.2 Support of arts and heritage
11.2.1 – Does your university as a body provide public access to buildings, monuments or natural heritage landscapes of cultural significance? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.2.2 – Does your university as a body provide public access to libraries including books and publications? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.2.3 – Does your university as a body provide public access to museums, exhibition spaces / galleries and/or works of art and artifacts? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.2.4 – Does your university as a body provide free public access to open spaces and green spaces? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.2.5 – Does your university as a body contribute to local arts, in terms of number of annual public performances of university choirs / theatre groups / orchestras etc? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.2.6 – Does your university as a body deliver projects to record and/or preserve intangible cultural heritage such as local folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge? This can include the heritage of displaced communities. Evidence: 1 , 2
11.4 Sustainable practices
11.4.1 – Does your university as a body measure and set targets for more sustainable commuting (walking, cycling or other non-motorized transport, vanpools, carpools, shuttlebus or public transportation, motorcycle, scooter or moped, or electric vehicles)? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.4.2 – Does your university as a body undertake actions to promote the % of more sustainable commuting (e.g. provision of free or subsidised buses or shared transport schemes, provision of bicycle parking & storage facilities, provision of cycle tracks, a bicycle and pedestrian plan or policy, bicycle sharing programme, free or reduced price transit passes, car/van pool or ride sharing programme, reduced parking fees or preferential parking for carpool or vanpool users, car sharing programme, provision of electric vehicle recharging stations, preferred parking for fuel-efficient vehicles)? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.4.3 – Does your university as a body promote or allow telecommuting or remote working for employees as a matter of policy or standard practice, and/or offer a condensed working week to reduce employee commuting? Evidence: 1
11.4.4 – Does your university as a body provide affordable housing for employees? Evidence: 1
11.4.5 – Does your university as a body provide affordable housing for students? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.4.6 – Does your university as a body prioritise pedestrian access on campus? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.4.7 – Does your university as a body work with local authorities to address planning issues/development, including ensuring that local residents are able to access affordable housing? Evidence: 1 , 2
11.4.8 – Does your university as a body build new buildings to sustainable standards? (If “yes”, are you following a national standard or body, e.g. the world green building council, that certifies it? Please indicate.) Evidence: 1 , 2
11.4.9 – Does your university as a body build on brownfield sites, where possible (brownfield sites are those where there has been previous, recent building)? Evidence: 1