參與國際排名,是一項逆水行舟不進則退的工作。參與排名之原則,對外是為了展現慈濟教育理念於全球並讓慈濟辦學理念之實踐受到國際肯定 ,對內則是挖掘自身強項及檢視個別弱點以利推動研究合作、招生、就業等策略佈局。最重要的,亦是感恩全校懿德、師長、同仁、學生之付出。
Participating in international university rankings is an ongoing process. The aims of participation are multi-folded; externally, to demonstrate Tzu Chi’s educational values globally; internally, to explore our own strengths and review our weaknesses in order to facilitate research cooperation, students enrollment and employment as well as other strategic develoments. However, the most important aim, is to express our deepest gratuity to the dedication of our Yide mums and dads, faculties, colleagues and students.
大學影響力排名 Impact Ranking
泰晤士高等教育機構(Times Higher Education)世界大學社會影響力排名(University Impact Ranking)針對所有授予學位的大學,是第一個衡量全球大學在實現「聯合國十七項可持續發展目標(SDGs)」是否取得成功的排名。排名採記聯合國17項可持續發展目標為評核項目;每一項皆有個別排名。大學整體排名為第17項「促進目標實現的夥伴關係」成績(22%),外加最好的另外三項可持續發展目標項目(每項項目各佔26%)。各項佐證資料以前兩年的學年度為依據。
The Times Higher Education University Impact Ranking is the first ranking of all degree-granting universities to measure the success of global universities in achieving the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ranking takes into account the 17 UN SDGs as assessment items; each is ranked individually. The overall university ranking is for the SDG 17 (22%) plus the best three SDGs (26% for each). Supporting information is based on the last two academic years.
世界大學排名 World University Ranking
泰晤士高等教育機構(Times Higher Education)世界大學排名 2021 包含了1,500大學,93個國家。成為迄今為止規模最大,種類最豐富的大學排名。
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 includes almost 1,500 universities across 93 countries, standing as the largest and most diverse university rankings ever to date.
學科排名 Subject Ranking
2020年泰晤士高等教育機構(Times Higher Education)世界大學排名,將臨床前和健康學科和生命科學學科排名使用與世界大學排名相同的績效指標,但指標權重會重新調整到以適合各個領域。
The 2020 Times Higher Education World University Rankings table for clinical, pre-clinical and health / life sciences subjects uses the same trusted and rigorous performance indicators as the overall World University Rankings, but the metric weightings have been recalibrated to suit the individual fields.
世界綠能大學排名 UI Green Metric
慈濟大學「世界綠能大學排名評比(UI Green Metric)」2020年度再傳佳績,世界排名躍升至124名,臺灣排名第12名,亦為花東地區成績最佳的學校。慈濟大學自2017年起參與該項排名評比,當年度即獲得世界排名第200名,2018年提升至第155名,2019年提升至146名。
Scimago Institutions Rankings
SCImago機構排名(Schimago Institution Rankings)是學術界和研究相關機構,結合了三組不同的指標分排名。這些指標基於研究績效,創新產出和網絡可見度來衡量。
The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a classification of academic and research-related institutions ranked by a composite indicator that combines three different sets of indicators based on research performance, innovation outputs and societal impact measured by their web visibility.