Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
1.終身學習 lifelong learning
• 社會教育推廣課程:有花蓮、馬六甲、吉隆坡、新加坡、檳城、美國及印尼7個社教中心及與志玄文教基金會產學合作,有台北、蘆洲、板橋、萬華、桃園、新竹、台中、清水、豐原、彰化、嘉義、台南、岡山、高雄14個據點,共有21個中心在辦理社會教育推廣課程:1、2(第71頁)
• 天空學院課程:本校自2015年開辦天空學院,於ewant平台、學堂在線、TaiwanLife平台、中華開放平台開設各類線上課程,提供社會民眾進修機會。天空學院官方網站:附件 天空學院社群平台:附件 ewant 育網平台:附件 TaiwanLife平台:附件 中華開放平台:附件 學堂在線:附件
• 華語中心
• Our library provides services such as reading, reference, borrowing, photocopying, and data retrieval for off-campus students (aged at least 20 years old or College student): 附件
• 兒童玩具圖書館,兒家系2009年12月於慈大校園內成立「兒童玩具讀書館」,提供適合12歲以下兒童玩具館內借用服務,提供親子共玩環境。現場會有兒家系值班同學,引導孩子們洗手消毒,並測量額溫,為孩子的安全衛生把關The Department of Child Development and Family Studies set up a “Children’s Toy and Reading Hall” on the campus of Tzu Chi University in December 2019, to lend toys and books to children under the age of 12 and provide a parent-child play environment:1、2 、3
• 花蓮縣洄瀾親子館108年度委託慈濟大學兒童發展與家庭教育學系經營管理,除了提供親子共遊空間外,還有社工進駐,給予父母和孩子適當的協助The Hualien Parent-Child Center entrusted its operation and management to Tzu Chi University’s Department of Child Development and Family Studies in 2019. The Center provides parents a place to play with their children, and on site social workers are available to offer them assistance.:1 、2
3.Professional courses
• 保母人員為本校兒家系培育學生職涯發展方向之一,也與本校的社會教育推廣中心合作,開設保「托育人員專業訓練」課程,共享知能學科與術科師資與空間設備,創造在地人就業機會,而本校保母人員技能檢定考場,是由勞動部技能檢定中心評鑑通過合格考場,讓民眾有一個安全且舒適的練習環境Preparing students to become childcare providers is one focus of Tzu Chi University’s Department of Child Development and Family Studies. The Department works with the Tzu Chi University’s Center for Continuing Education to offer education and training programs for Tzu Chi University students and local residents who are interested in becoming childcare providers. Moreover, Tzu Chi University provides space for the Skills Evaluation Center of the Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor to conduct skill tests for childcare providers.:1、2
• 高階模擬手術課程(免費):模擬醫學中心模擬手術課程,發展結合專業學會之高階訓練課程,107學年共舉辦4場次14個醫學會434人次醫師參與The Medical Simulation Center has been providing advanced surgery simulation programs to the physicians of numerous medical associations in Taiwan, free of charge.:附件
• 人文社會學院自2016年起,結合山腳下咖啡,每學年固定舉辦4場次以「受苦與聆聽」為主題之「山腳下花蓮人文講堂」,免費開放東部大專校院師生及社區民眾共同參與。107學年,舉辦4場「打開人文心理學的視野」系列講座,講題包括《植物的陪伴》、《公主走進黑森林》、《臨終的心靈風景》、《心理學與性諮商:打開你對心理師生涯的想像》,共557人次參加Since 2016, Tzu Chi University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences has organized the Foot of the Mountain Forum, which provides four lectures every year to Tzu Chi University members and the public. “Suffering and Listening” was one of them.: 1 、2、3、4
• 中研院科普演講歷史悠久,往年都在院內舉行,因2018年適逢中研院九十週年,因此特別跨出臺北,至花蓮慈濟大學舉辦活動,希望能夠把基礎研究的知識傳播給更多人,同時也讓大眾更加認識中研院In 2018, the Academia Sinica celebrated its 90th anniversary, and one of its celebration events was a popular science lecture, which was held at Tzu Chi University.:1、2、3
• 氣候變遷只有豪雨、乾旱、熱浪、極度氣旋這些災難嗎?氣候變遷不是這麼簡單,它會影響到人類的糧食、身體健康甚至是智商。慈濟大學邀請到美國LMU大學Cristina Tirado教授以全英語進行「氣候變遷,公共衛生以及永續發展」課程,上課的學員包括有衛生署研究員、慈大、慈科大學生、醫院以及其他對氣候變遷有興趣的人Tzu Chi University invited a WHO advisor, Professor Cristina Tirado of LMU University in the USA, to give a lecture of “Climate Change, Public Health and Sustainable Development”. Researchers of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, faculty members, staff and students of Tzu Chi University and Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology, staff of Tzu Chi Hospitals, and others who are interested in climate change participated.:附件
• 慈大兒童劇「袋比的救難旅程」以地震為主題 用音樂和舞蹈帶給小朋友一場冒險和互助之旅Tzu Chi University’s YABI Children’s Theatre presented “Debbie’s Efforts to Assist Earthquake Victims”, in music and dance, to elementary school children of Hualien County. They gave five performances and a total of 2,127 attended.:1 、 2
• 公車歷險記之貓的報恩 慈大偶劇國小巡迴演出 Tzu Chi University’s Puppet Theatre toured three elementary schools in Hualien County to present “Bus Adventure 3: Cat’s Gratitude”. These performances were founded by Tzu Chi University’s USR Program and the Ministry of Education’s Skill Development for Clean Energy System Integration and Application Project. Students utilized puppets to guide their audiences on how to save energy in their daily lives and reduce carbon emissions. 附件
• 慈大舉辦「2019山海間之中醫營」推廣正確中醫知識The School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine sponsored the “2019 Chinese Medicine Camp” with forty high school students attending. The program included identifying Chinese herbal medicine, visiting the Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden, experiencing acupuncture and cupping, undergoing TCM therapeutic massage, preparing medicated diets, making topical ointments, etc. Participants had an opportunity to understand the profoundness of Chinese medicine. 附件
• 慈大教授帶領高中生感受迷人的科學 Tzu Chi High School students who are in the class of natural sciences and technology, come to Tzu Chi University on Fridays to work on their science projects together with Tzu Chi University faculty members. These faculty members interact with the students in an open fashion, which has enabled them to have broader views and appreciate the beauty of sciences. 附件
• 第二屆「花生玩生物」暑期動腦科學營於慈大舉行 Tzu Chi University, Hualien Boys’ High School and Hualien Girls’ High School held a camp themed “Learning Biology with Fun”, from July 30 to August 3, 2018. A total of 40 high school students participated. The topics ranged from micro views to macro views, from science to environment, and society and humanistic culture. Participants took time to really think about the formation of the biological sciences and the missions of learning biology. 附件
• 慈大舉辦鋼琴演奏會 吸引滿場聽眾共享盛宴 The “2019 Piano Recital by A New Yorker and Three Taipei Residents” attracted around 200 music fans, including Tzu Chi University’s faculty members, staff and students, staff of Tzu Chi affiliates, Hualien residents, and music class students. 附件
• 慈濟邀請花蓮民眾共度《蕭邦之夜》 Tzu Chi University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital hosted the “2018 Tai-Cheng Chen Piano Recital.” Around 280 people attended his interpretation of Chopin’s “Nocturne”. 附件
黑門山上的劇團《雙面愛情》大型劇團演出活動 The Tzu Chi University Student Association invited the Workshop in Heaven to perform Cyrano de Bergerac which was based on the 1897 play of the same name, by Edmond Rostand. Tzu Chi University’s faculty members, staff and students, and Hualien’s residents enjoyed watching this humorous comedy.
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慈大「食在小市集」 扶持地方小農發展 Tzu Chi University’s Consumer Cooperative was founded to carry out a project entitled “USR: Help to Maintain a Sustainable Earth from Choosing Our Daily Diets”. The University has been sponsoring a farmers’ market once each month, inviting local farmers to sell their organic products directly to consumers, and helping consumers to know more about these healthy products.
• 附件
• 慈大攜手光復鄉推動地方創生 共創地方繁榮 Funded by the USR program, Tzu Chi University assisted Guangfu Township in Hualien County to carry out a local revitalization project. Through organizing a series of local revitalization forums, Tzu Chi University students learned and worked with tribal residents to revive their communities. 1、 2
• 教傳院與慈濟基金會合作啟動「花蓮縣偏鄉教育計畫」帶領花蓮縣國中小教師進行生命教育、性別教育、素養導向專業發展增能課程,參與師生人次超過500人次,服務受益人次超過1500人次。The College of Education and Communication and Tzu Chi Foundation launched a “Rural Education Project in Hualien County” offering literacy-oriented enhancement courses to Hualien County elementary and junior high school teachers, to assist them in teaching education and gender education courses. More than 500 teachers and students participated and 1,500 people benefited from this project.
• 大愛引航航向泰北 「大愛引航~海外華校教教師人才養成」研習計畫Twenty-one teachers from Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School in Thailand came to Taiwan to receive extensive education and training. This training program was aimed to enhance teachers’ Chinese language and Chinese teaching skills, improve teachers’ other teaching skills, formulate ways to augment students’ national examination results, and learn the measures for setting up an alumni association. 附件
• 慈濟大學與慈濟基金會合作舉辦慈悲科技展Tzu Chi University worked with Tzu Chi Foundation to display DA.AI Technology’s inventions, which aim to provide relief to needy people. On display were an amphibious boat, which is capable of carrying a water purifier, several multi-purpose folding beds, which can be moved easily and without any assembly, so they are suitable for rescue workers and affectees to take a rest, and a mobile kitchen that provides hot meals 24-hours a day to fill people’s stomachs and warm their hearts. These inventions enabled local students to understand what people may encounter at the disaster sites, the needs of rescue workers and affectees, and how to attend to people’s needs by employing technology. 附件
• 枯山水系列—通識教育中心胡朝景老師西畫創作展Professor Chau-Jin Hu’s personal exhibition of “Zen Garden” reflected and explored the relationship between “humanity and nature” and “humanity and environment”.:附件
• 109.09.19-20辦理第十七屆《成佛之道》研習營,公開開放給社會大眾參與。共123人次參與Tzu Chi University sponsored the seventeenth “The Way to Buddhahood Camp” and 127 participated.:附件
5.Short courses
• 慈濟大學與台灣教學資源中心平台合作,自2013年起每年舉辦「全國新進教師研習營」。2018年全國新進教師研習營共有21所學校70名教師報名參加研訓。
• 縮短夏季學習失落 慈大到富源國中舉辦學習營:附件
• 慈大見晴服務隊推動偏鄉小朋友養成閱讀習慣The Jian Ching Students Volunteer Team travelled regularly to Jian Ching Elementary School, which is located in Wanrong Township, Hualien County, to provide a variety of services, such as caring for students’ mental needs, reviewing big events in 2018, cleaning up the community, providing environmental education, watching films with young children, holding sports activities, conducting home visits, reading storybooks, etc:附件
• 慈大人本醫療社 辦理衛教技巧工作坊The Humane Healthcare Club aims to spread love and warmth around, by attending to people’s needs, and paying attention to their wellness, illnesses, and mindsets. Student volunteers have been visiting rural schools and mountain tribes, where they provide health education, accompany community residents, care for elders, tutor young children, etc:附件
• 人醫菲揚
• USR計畫透過在地共學,以部落作為教學實踐場域,將學生及教室拉到部落,落實教學資源共享共學,協助部落解決問題促進地方發展:附件
• 「大學社會責任實踐計畫」 慈大師生深入社區關懷長者:附件