Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons
1.校內交通政策Public transport policy within campus
• 教育部及交通部為減少學生在校外因機車發生交通事故,近年來致力於推動「公車入校園」專案。在花蓮縣政府及本校總務處、學生事務處同仁努力規劃協調之下,經過三、四年的努力,太魯閣客運305路線,終於進入本校提供師生服務,其路線行駛於火車站到水源村之間。
• 慈濟大學公車入校園正式啟動
• 車輛管理規範
• 車輛違規處置
• http://www.gm.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=1487
• http://www.gm.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=1491
By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries.
1.圖書設備 Library access
• Our library provides services such as reading, reference, borrowing, photocopying, and data retrieval for off-campus students.
• http://www.library-eng.tcu.edu.tw/detail.php?recordID=70
• 兒家系玩具圖書館A playground library for kids which is also open to the public.
• https://www.facebook.com/tcucftoylibrary/posts/271202093290344/
2. 大愛樓環保永續教育展示區
• 大愛感恩科技公司產品展區、水立方與環保海報看板、海洋垃圾汙染與塑膠汙染宣導海報
• 簡報檔
• Our gallery corridoor periodically showcased works of art by our students
• 校慶活動
4.花蓮文藝活動 Local arts and culture
• 花蓮縣傑出演藝團隊「八斗喜說演班」公演「看相聲系列之笑到病除」,演出四段相聲與一段小品戲劇
• 舉辦「2019紐約客‧台北人 四手聯彈鋼琴演奏會」,吸引慈大教職員生、慈濟志業體同仁、花蓮民眾及音樂班的學生約200位樂迷共享這場音樂饗宴
• 人文社會學院及花蓮慈濟醫院聯合主辦「2018陳泰成鋼琴獨奏會」,來自慈濟大學、慈濟醫院、熱愛音樂的學子及花蓮鄉親一起聆聽鋼琴家陳泰成詮釋《蕭邦之夜》,悠揚的琴音、動人的旋律,緊緊扣住全場聽眾的心弦
• 學生會邀請「黑門山上的劇團」演出改編自法國名作家愛德蒙‧羅斯丹的《大鼻子情聖》,具有現代幽默喜鬧與騎士英雄史詩情懷風格的《雙面愛情》,邀請慈大師生與花蓮鄉親觀賞了一場精彩的演出
• 慈濟大學Yabi兒童劇「袋比的救難旅程」在花蓮北埔國小、富里國小、紅葉國小、春日國小進行巡迴公演,每場國小的演出還邀請附近的國小一起參加,包括有國福國小、水源國小、學田小學、東竹國小,明里國小,永豐國小,學田國小、松浦國小、卓樂國小等學校的學生觀賞兒童劇。今年兒童劇「袋比的救難旅程」,是以2018年0206花蓮地震為主題創作的兒童劇,以寓教於樂的方式,提醒小朋友們要認真進行地震演習,地震來時更要保持冷靜,災難過後同伴間互相合作幫助度過難關:1、2
• 慈濟大學偶來了劇團今年帶來「公車歷險記3-貓的報恩」巡迴花蓮三所國小演出,嘉里國小、宜昌國小、吉安國小,慈濟大學免費演出。「公車歷險記3-貓的報恩」今年主題結合慈大USR和教育部潔能系統整合及人才培育計畫,以家庭如何節能減碳為主,破除網路謠言和一些節電迷思,高潮迭起的故事,將節能減碳的正確知識用偶劇方式呈現
• 傳播系指導學生畢業製作,拍攝花蓮縣光復鄉太八朗部落豐年祭,記錄原住民部落文化傳承
• 人類發展學系與花蓮縣文化局合作建置「花蓮考古數位典藏資料庫與數位學習網」
• Subsided housing is available for faculty.
• http://www.gas.tcu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/%E6%95%99%E5%B8%AB%E5%AE%BF%E8%88%8D%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E8%BE%A6%E6%B3%95.pdf
• 學生宿舍床位超過總學生人數。
• http://life.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=936
• http://life.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=930
• http://international.tcu.edu.tw/?page_id=1074
Protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage
1. 校史室University Archives
• The University Archives showcased the history of our university and is open and free for all.
• http://history.tcu.edu.tw/detail.php?recordID=9
• https://youtu.be/-DfyzZdxm5g
2.花蓮靜思堂與慈濟園區Hualien’s Jing Si Hall and Tzu Chi Cultural Park
• Hualien’s Jing Si Hall and Tzu Chi Cultural Park open to the Public every day. Jing Si Hall was completed in 1986. It serves as a spiritual home for Tzu Chi followers around the world. A Tang dynasty-style roof with flying eaves caps the hall’s thirteen stories. Its three-tiered roof is in the form of the Chinese character for “person.” Those three tiers represent the three sacred tenets of Buddhism, which are the Buddha (the enlightened being,) the Dharma (the Buddha’s teachings,) and the Sanga (the community of Buddhist practitioners). The Sutra Lecture Lyceum is the center of Jing Si Hall. It is also the place where Tzu Chi’s founder Dharma Master Cheng Yen lectures on Buddhist teachings. The lyceum has a soaring thirty-seven-meter high ceiling, and is twenty-six meters wide by thirty-four meters long. It can accommodate audiences of up to two thousand people. The interior, often bathed in natural light, was inspired by the shape of the Chinese character for “person.”
• Jing Si Bamboo Bungalow 靜思竹軒is located between Jing Si Hall and Tzu Chi University. The bungalow is the only bamboo house in Taiwan, built using traditional tenon and mortise techniques, because of bamboo’s natural flexibility, allowing it to be bent and squeezed. The bungalow was constructed by hand-carving bamboo rods and using them to fasten bamboo sections together to create a bamboo house. Square bamboo is the main building material of the bungalow. The bungalow also has one hundred windows fitted with blinds, which are known as windows of wisdom. Its design retains elements found in traditional Taiwanese architecture on the front and sides, and also adds a corridor linking the bungalow’s three sections, integrating the overall Chinese architectural style.
• Master Cheng Yen’s Cottage 小木屋is located between the Jing Si Bamboo Bungalow and Jing Si Hall. In May 1963, shortly after receiving her ordination as a nun, Dharma Master Cheng Yen returned to Hualien and resided in a small cottage of ten square meters in size, which was behind Pu Ming Temple in Hualien County, to continue her spiritual formation. She spent days and nights working on her spiritual formation by chanting Sutras, transcribing, and prostrating to the Buddha. The cottage was damaged by a typhoon in 1975. Tzu Chi Foundation later restored the cottage to its original appearance, as shown in old photographs, while maintaining the interior as it was when Dharma Master Cheng Yen lived there, and then moved it to Tzu Chi Cultural Park. This simple cottage has borne vital witness to the early years of the Tzu Chi organization.
• There are thirteen bronze sculptures 銅雕created by North Korean artists, nine of which are displayed on the side lawn of Jing Si Hall, and four are placed at the entrance of Jing Si Bamboo Bungalow. Four sculptures at the entrance of Jing Si Bamboo Bungalow signify how Tzu Chi has carried out its missions – helping the poor and relieving suffering. Tzu Chi has carried out its four missions, namely charity, medicine, education, and humanistic culture with the Four Immeasurables, which are loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. The Four Immeasurables are also Tzu Chi University’s school motto.
• https://www.taiwangods.com/html/landscape/1_0011.aspx?i=98
By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities.
• 87.38% of our campus is open green spaces.
• 慈濟大學中草藥園廣泛蒐集及種植四百多種中草藥植物,是花蓮唯一的中草藥園。包括花蓮農改場、臺東農改場、花蓮藥用植物協會、中國醫藥大學等二百位貴賓共同參加開幕典禮。
• http://www.tzuchi-org.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16746%3A2015-05-18-01-33-02&catid=92%3Aeducation-project&Itemid=385&lang=zh