Supports and mentoring are in place for students with indigenous status, disability status, poverty status, LGBT, new immigrants and international students. Counseling Center’s Resource Room pay visits to mentally impaired freshmen before they come to the University, call a meeting to set up a support plan tailored to each freshman’s needs, keeps posted with the students’ academic departments, academic advisers about mental conditions and learning needs. The University set up a center to serve indigenous students, assisting in learning and living their everyday lives, enhance their physical and mental wellbeing, work with them in career planning. The office of international affairs with the international students club offer support to international students. The LGBTQ club offers similar support. TCU also has an Indigenous Club. |

In order to assist students in their psychological, academic, career exploration, interpersonal, emotional, and familial well-being, and to further achieve a life of self-fulfillment, the Counseling Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) has been established in accordance with Article VI of the University’s Organizational Statutes and is responsible for the promotion of mental health on campus.
The Center provides classroom seminars on different topics according to the needs of students in different grades. If instructors observe that students have common needs or concerns, they can apply to the Counseling Center. If you have any common needs or concerns, you are welcome to apply to the Counseling Center. The Center will provide appropriate topics according to the instructor’s time or class meeting time, and according to the student’s condition, including: Intimate Relationships, Interpersonal Relationships, Career and Employment, Emotions and Stress Management, Time Management, Academic Learning, Understanding of the Self, Internet Addictions, and Mental Illness.

In order to provide counseling to our indigenous students on matters related to their studies, life, physical and mental health, activities, and employment, the “Learning and Life Care Committee for Indigenous Students” and the Center for Indigenous Students have been established.
This center regularly organizes activities related to different indigenous peoples every semester. Besides, there is a Indigenous Club which is named as Takubuwan, all the indigenous students can join and all the students can celebrate these festivals with them.