Flagship partnerships

  • The Tzu Chi Medical Foundation is based in Hualien, with its flagship Tzu Chi Hospital located 5 mins walk away from the main campus of our university. The Medical Foundation, together with its 7 hospitals, with our university have a long term collaborations involving medical research to improve health and wellbeing. http://www.tzuchi.com.tw/
  • 源自於臺灣,成立於1996年的「慈濟人醫會」,是一個有組織、有系統的全球醫療服務網。由一群有心為社會貢獻、付出愛心的醫護人員組成,並以「醫人、醫病、醫心」為宗旨進行醫療服務,關懷貧苦患者,亦配合慈濟的國際賑災行動,啟動醫療救援工作。並自2000年召開首屆年會,每年中秋節期間於臺灣花蓮承辦「人醫會年會」,作為聯繫全球人醫會的平臺。出席年會的國家和與會者逐年增加,不同國籍及種族源流也就更如繁花,進而衍生出主辦以英語為媒介語的「國際慈濟人醫論壇」自2015年起陸續於新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、美國舉辦。The Tzu Chi International Medical Association (“TIMA”) Annual Convention organized by the Tzu Chi Foundation is a global collaboration between medical personals over 38 countries. Many of our faculties with medical background are members of TIMA. The TIMA convention held annually in Hualien (located 5 mins walk away from our university) is held in participation together with the Tzu Chi Medical Foundation and our university. http://www.tzuchi.com.tw/tima/en/ 「國際慈濟人醫會」(Tzu Chi International Medical Association, TIMA),於2000年召開首屆年會,並正式對外公布該組織之成立,慈濟人醫會最大的特色,不僅具備專業的醫事人員,大批的志工參與也使得服務項目和範圍較一般義診更廣,包含醫院、洗腎中心、義診中心等功能。全球各服務據點成員,不分種族與信仰,平日在居住地服務,遇有國際間重大災難時,各國成員也會就近或跨國緊急支援。「2018年國際慈濟人醫年會」22至25日在花蓮靜思堂舉辦,以「人醫之愛,廣披寰宇」為主題,來自二十一個國家地區、計六百七十三位學員展開多國人醫紀實分享、醫療技術交流。http://www.tzuchi.com.tw/other/2018tima/zh/ 「第七屆國際慈濟人醫論壇」於29至31日在慈濟美國總會聖迪瑪斯志業園區舉辦,計有十六個國家地區逾四百人參加。本論壇自2015年起,先後移地東南亞國家及美國舉辦,藉此與更多在地醫療人員交流,以帶動更多人投入醫療志工,也讓各地慈濟組織透過承辦國際大型活動,凝聚在地慈濟志工的力量。此次論壇主題為「健康心覺醒:從身心靈探討健康促進」,探討範圍包括中西醫整合、環境與健康、媒體與醫療、大體捐贈及正念減壓等不同議題。https://tzuchi.us/zh/blog/enlightened-wellness-2019-tima-global-forum
  • 慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心是臺灣唯一的骨髓資料庫,2005年11月,與國際線上配對組織「全球骨髓及臍帶血捐贈資料庫」。截至2019年6月,已建置超過43萬筆骨髓資料庫、儲存超過12,000人的臍帶血、完成超過5,000多例造血幹細胞捐贈,提供國內33家、國外1,009家醫院尋求病患配對,每年提供350例以上的造血幹細胞,目前含臺灣共有31個國家地區受惠於慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心協助完成的造血幹細胞捐贈。慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心是臺灣唯一的骨髓資料庫,2005年11月,與國際線上配對組織「全球骨髓及臍帶血捐贈資料庫」。截至2019年6月,已建置超過43萬筆骨髓資料庫、儲存超過12,000人的臍帶血、完成超過5,000多例造血幹細胞捐贈,提供國內33家、國外1,009家醫院尋求病患配對,每年提供350例以上的造血幹細胞,目前含臺灣共有31個國家地區受惠於慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心協助完成的造血幹細胞捐贈。至2020/8/31止:歷年已登記志願捐贈者累計 446,146人 (包含美國地區 9,216 人)歷年已登記尋求配對病患累計 62,461 人目前移植案例數共 5,785例 (國內 2,422 例,跨海 3,363例)The Tzu Chi Stem Cells Center currently located within our campus, has provided stem cells to the healthcare institutions in Taiwan and thirty countries around the world. The Tzu Chi Foundation Marrow Donor Registry is the only bone marrow donor databank in Taiwan. Associate Professor Yang Guo-liang, the director of Tzu Chi Stem Cell Center, is a faculty of our Department of Laboratory Medicine and Biotechnology. Several of our faculties from this department have deep research cooperation with Tzu Chi Stem Cell Center. The Tzu Chi Foundation Marrow Donor Registry is the only bone marrow donor databank in Taiwan. As of June 2019, the amount of donor data uploaded by the Center was over 430,000, and the Center had selected over 12,000 bags of cord blood for storage. Tzu Chi Stem Cells Center has completed more than 5,000 cases of stem cells donations, fulfilling the needs of 33 hospitals in Taiwan and 1,009 overseas. http://www.btcscc.tzuchi.com.twhttp://btcscc.tzuchi.com.tw/index.php?Itemid=306&id=1099&lang=tw&option=com_content&view=articlehttp://btcscc.tzuchi.com.tw/index.php?Itemid=535&id=1129&lang=tw&option=com_content&view=article
  • Tzu Chi University works with the Academia Sinica to offer a Ph.D. Program in Translational Medicine http://www.tm.tcu.edu.tw/ . This program aspires to nurture outstanding researchers in translational medicine. These Ph.D. students have worked with members of University’s translational medicine team, on projects researching cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neuroscience, stem cell, etc. This University team has been provided with bountiful resources by the Academia Sinica, such as its research capabilities and physical facilities. Both institutions will work on clinical applications and industrial production, based on research findings in biomedicine, to enhance humanity’s wellbeing, and improve the healthcare quality and health conditions of those living in eastern Taiwan. Since 2018, Tzu Chi University has been working on numerous research projects, with the Academia Sinica and Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, to enhance medical innovations, research and development capabilities, and abilities in new drug discovery. Through collaborations between researchers and clinicians, the team wishes to provide solutions for major healthcare challenges, enhance healthcare quality, benefit patients and improve people’s wellbeing.
  • 模擬醫學全球移植計畫:協助姊妹校及友校推動人文整合的遺體捐贈、教學遺體處理及準備技術、創立模擬手術訓練設施與實際執行。http://www.msc.tcu.edu.tw/english/eng_a_overview.html Tzu Chi University has worked with institutions around the world. Tzu Chi University’s Medical Simulation Center has assisted numerous medical schools around the world to set up their own surgery simulation programs. We have shared our philosophy with many medical schools all over Asia including China, Hong-Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Burma to develop their own program and revolutionize medical educational practices in the field of anatomy. With MOUs, the university has teamed up with the University of Malaya and the Academy for Silent Mentors to campaign for willed bodies and develop their own Silent Mentor Program of Malaya University. We share our philosophy with many medical schools all over Asia including China, Hong-Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore (https://www.singaporetech.edu.sg/digitalnewsroom/honouring-our-silent-mentors/), Thailand and Burma to develop their own program and revolutionize the medical educational practices in the field of anatomy. With MOUs, the university teams up with the University of Malaya and the Academy for Silent mentor to campaign for will bodies and develop their own Silent Mentor Program of the Malaya University (http://www.silentmentor.org/160807976) and the i-Silent Mentor of the Academy for Silent Mentor (https://www.isilentmentor.com/) respectively.
  • SDG3:無語良師Deceased human bodies remain the closest to real in training medical students and professionals to learn structures and surgical skills. Unfortunately, as a tradition, medical schools treated the deceased, whether unclaimed or donated, as specimen rather than person. This contradicts the aim to train empathic professionals for the needed. Medical professionals putting their own interests before the needed could have resulted in the imbalance of medical resources around the world and even in developed countries. To tackle this, Tzu Chi University started by campaigning for willed bodies since its establishment in 1994 and treating the donors as silent mentors (https://www.facebook.com/pg/SilentMentor/about/?ref=page_internal) , i.e., silent teachers as well as altruistic role models of the trainees. Learning the lives of the body donors and interaction with surviving families before and throughout the class inspired students to better appreciate the donation. Altruistic mentoring drives the trainees to introspect on their social responsibilities and helps to cultivate empathy. The practice quells the conventional resistance to body donation in Taiwan and was modeled by all other medical schools in Taiwan. We also share our philosophy with many medical schools all over Asia including China, Hong-Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore (http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/ant/BodyDonation/index.html; https://www.singaporetech.edu.sg/digitalnewsroom/honouring-our-silent-mentors/), Thailand and Burma to develop their own program and revolutionize the medical educational practices in the field of anatomy. With MOUs, the university teams up with the University of Malaya and the Academy for Silent mentor to campaign for will bodies and develop their own Silent Mentor Program of the Malaya University (http://www.silentmentor.org/160807976) and the i-Silent Mentor of the Academy for Silent Mentor (https://www.isilentmentor.com/) respectively. Through the words of Mr. Ian Johnson, a Pulitzer Journalist, our program was featured in the front page of Wall Street Journal on Apr. 22, 2009 to be introduced to the world (https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB124035156541040575).With the Inauguration of a Simulation Operation Theater and later Medical Simulation Center (http://www.msc.tcu.edu.tw/news.html) in 2003, the university explored surgeon’s training in affiliated hospitals. In 2008, we started to team up with both domestic and international surgeons associations to train surgeons of many disciplines AT NO CHARGE to exemplify this best practice of medical training for a better world. 韓國廣播公司(KBS)紀錄片製作團隊,2018年9月12至17日於來到臺灣拍攝「無語良師」模擬手術課程,希望讓更多韓國人知道無語良師的精神。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKjf-CRoXQ&feature=youtu.be
  • Tzu Chi University works with the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Health and Welfare in anti-drug abuse campaigns. Tzu Chi University works with Hualien County Government to sponsor anti-drug abuse campaigns in schools of all levels and trains local professionals and instructors, who are associated with substance abuse, addiction, and prevention. https://www.facebook.com/tcnontoxic/