1994年慈濟醫學院正式成立,慈大醫學系以「尊重生命」為出發點,提倡「發揮生命使 用權」的大體捐贈觀念,帶動國內醫學界遺體捐贈文化。慈濟尊稱遺體捐贈者為「大體老師」,將無用的死後身軀,奉獻醫學教育,培育良醫;他們不僅是生命的勇者、捨身的菩薩,也是醫師及醫學生的「無語良師」。
- 模擬醫學全球移植計畫:協助姊妹校及友校推動人文整合的遺體捐贈、教學遺體處理及準備技術、創立模擬手術訓練設施與實際執行。附件 Tzu Chi University has worked with institutions around the world. Tzu Chi University’s Medical Simulation Center has assisted numerous medical schools around the world to set up their own surgery simulation programs. We have shared our philosophy with many medical schools all over Asia including China, Hong-Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Burma to develop their own program and revolutionize medical educational practices in the field of anatomy. With MOUs, the university has teamed up with the University of Malaya and the Academy for Silent Mentors to campaign for willed bodies and develop their own Silent Mentor Program of Malaya University. We share our philosophy with many medical schools all over Asia including China, Hong-Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore (附件), Thailand and Burma to develop their own program and revolutionize the medical educational practices in the field of anatomy. With MOUs, the university teams up with the University of Malaya and the Academy for Silent mentor to campaign for will bodies and develop their own Silent Mentor Program of the Malaya University (附件) and the i-Silent Mentor of the Academy for Silent Mentor (附件) respectively.
- SDG3:無語良師Deceased human bodies remain the closest to real in training medical students and professionals to learn structures and surgical skills. Unfortunately, as a tradition, medical schools treated the deceased, whether unclaimed or donated, as specimen rather than person. This contradicts the aim to train empathic professionals for the needed. Medical professionals putting their own interests before the needed could have resulted in the imbalance of medical resources around the world and even in developed countries. To tackle this, Tzu Chi University started by campaigning for willed bodies since its establishment in 1994 and treating the donors as silent mentors (附件) , i.e., silent teachers as well as altruistic role models of the trainees. Learning the lives of the body donors and interaction with surviving families before and throughout the class inspired students to better appreciate the donation. Altruistic mentoring drives the trainees to introspect on their social responsibilities and helps to cultivate empathy. The practice quells the conventional resistance to body donation in Taiwan and was modeled by all other medical schools in Taiwan. We also share our philosophy with many medical schools all over Asia including China, Hong-Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore (1; 2), Thailand and Burma to develop their own program and revolutionize the medical educational practices in the field of anatomy. With MOUs, the university teams up with the University of Malaya and the Academy for Silent mentor to campaign for will bodies and develop their own Silent Mentor Program of the Malaya University (附件) and the i-Silent Mentor of the Academy for Silent Mentor (附件) respectively. Through the words of Mr. Ian Johnson, a Pulitzer Journalist, our program was featured in the front page of Wall Street Journal on Apr. 22, 2009 to be introduced to the world (附件).With the Inauguration of a Simulation Operation Theater and later Medical Simulation Center (附件) in 2003, the university explored surgeon’s training in affiliated hospitals. In 2008, we started to team up with both domestic and international surgeons associations to train surgeons of many disciplines AT NO CHARGE to exemplify this best practice of medical training for a better world. 韓國廣播公司(KBS)紀錄片製作團隊,2018年9月12至17日於來到臺灣拍攝「無語良師」模擬手術課程,希望讓更多韓國人知道無語良師的精神。附件