- Tzu Chi University works with the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Health and Welfare in anti-drug abuse campaigns. Tzu Chi University works with Hualien County Government to sponsor anti-drug abuse campaigns in schools of all levels and trains local professionals and instructors, who are associated with substance abuse, addiction, and prevention. 附件
- SDG3:慈濟大學拍動畫反毒。鑒於K他命氾濫嚴重,而且使用者的年齡一直往下延伸,為強化毒品防制工作,2016年慈濟大學運用自身資源,結合法務部、教育部、衛福部食藥署毒品危害知識,製作兼具教育、專業、且具可看性的反毒動畫影片-「K他命運交響曲」(ketamine Symphony),無償提供各政府部門、學校宣導使用,希望藉此提升反毒教育的宣導效益。Since 2009, our university partnered with Ministry of Law, Ministry of Education, the Tzu Chi Foundation (NGO) in the areas of drug abuse among students. In 2017, our university produced an educational video for schools and public to promote the importance of drug abuse, corresponding to SDG Goal 3. Tzu Chi University produced an animation video entitled “Ketamine Symphony” to support the anti-drug abuse campaign. More people have been using ketamine, and users’ ages are getting younger. Tzu Chi University sees the need for standing firmly behind substance abuse prevention, so in 2016, it worked with the Ministry of Justice and Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, to produce an animation movie entitled “Ketamine Symphony,” telling the public how bad the drug would be for users. The production cost was solely provided by Tzu Chi University. After the movie was released, it was highly regarded by the public; consequently, Tzu Chi University decided to provide it to a large number of government agencies and schools at all In view of the serious proliferation of ketamine, Tzu Chi University used its own resources and information provided by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, and the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, in 2016, to produce an anti-drug animation film entitled “Ketamine Symphony”. The film is educational and produced professionally, and is well-liked by viewers. Tzu Chi University has provided thousands of copies, free of charge, to numerous government departments and schools at all levels, to enhance the effectiveness of anti-drug education. levels 1 、2