International collaboration, research, best practices

1. Covid-19 Test Kit approval by Indonesia Government : Approval

2.Prof Hsieh Covid test kit collaboration with Dominican Republic IRB confirm Taiwan IRB and Dominican Republic IRB


  • SDG3:01.05 花蓮慈濟醫院院長林欣榮獲聘為國際再生醫學期刊《CELL TRANSPLANTATION》主編,花蓮慈院是日於協力樓舉行期刊編輯部揭牌儀式。On January 5, 2017 Professor Shinn-Zong Lin of Tzu Chi University’s School of Medicine, who is also superintendent of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, was appointed chief editor of Cell Transplantation.
  • SDG12、SDG13:參與世界綠能大學排名評比。2017年世界第200名,2018年世界第155名,2019年世界第146名。並依該指標項目作為檢核本校現況,以作為發展依據。世界綠能大學網站Tzu Chi University has been participating in the UI Green Metric World University Rankings since 2017. The University was 200th in 2017, 155th in 2018 and 146th in 2019. Tzu Chi University has placed sustainability development as one of its top priorities, by continuously evaluating its current practices and developing better practices.
  • SDG3:行政院衛生福利部健康資料加值應用協作中心-慈濟大學研究分中心(TCU Center for Health and Welfare Data Science Center)2014年成立。

慈濟大學研究分中心提供申請之資料庫種類眾多,例如:健保資料庫(200萬抽樣檔)、死因統計檔、原住民出生檔及死亡檔、癌症登記檔、國民健康訪問調查檔及罕見疾病通報資料庫等,對使用健康資料庫進行分析的研究者有極大助益,運用個別健康資料予以加值以促進醫藥相關學術研究,並結合慈濟志業體(慈濟大學、慈濟技術學院、慈濟醫院等)、東部大專院校及醫療院所等學術研究人才及資源,藉以提昇東部學術能量及服務產官學界。Our university partnered with the Ministry of Health and Welfare and found the TCU Center for Health and Welfare Data Science Center in 2014, with the aim of medical data collection and analysis to improve the Good Health and Well-being of residents (SDG Goal 3). SDG 3: Tzu Chi University has worked with the Ministry of Health and Welfare and founded the Center for Health and Welfare Data Science Center in 2014. Tzu Chi Research Center provides a wide range of applications, such as the National Health Insurance Research Database, Cause of Death Database, Aboriginal birth and death Database, Taiwan Cancer Registry, National Health Interview Survey Database, and Rare Disease Notification databases. It is of great help to researchers who use the health database for analysis, using individual health data, adding value to promote medical-related academic research, including Tzu Chi University, Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology, and Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital, as well as academic research talents and resources in eastern tertiary institutions and medical institutions, to enhance academic energy and service industries in eastern Taiwan.

  • SDG3:慈濟大學與國際運動醫學科學委員會攜手合作對抗非傳染性疾病中華民國臨床運動生理學會107年3月2日在慈濟大學舉辦成立大會,由慈濟大學醫學院楊仁宏院長擔任理事長。中華民國臨床運動生理學會成立宗旨為推廣臨床運動生理的教育、臨床運動處方發展、應用與服務,以改善當前慢性、非傳染性疾病對健康、生命的威脅,更進一步提升國人的健康福祉。未來將密切與國際運動醫學科學委員會合作,一起為降低非傳染性疾病對人體健康的傷害而努力。國際運動醫學科學委員會由世界衛生組織非傳染病防治小組與歐洲醫學學會輔導成立,成立宗旨主要就是要防治全球人類日益嚴重的非傳染性疾病,目前全世界非傳染性疾病是所有人類約70%死亡原因。SDG 3: The Clinical Exercise Physiology Association of Taiwan was founded. The Clinical Exercise Physiology Association of Taiwan was founded on 3/2/2018 at Tzu Chi University. Tzu Chi University’s dean of the College of Medicine was the first president of this association. The purpose of this association is to promote education related to clinical exercise physiology and to enhance humanity’s wellbeing, through expanding its applications and services, and reducing effects resulting from chronic and non-communicable diseases. The association expects to work with other members of the International Scientific Committee on Exercise Medicine for alleviating effects on our health caused by non-communicable diseases. Tzu Chi University works with the International Scientific Committee on Exercise Medicine to face the challenges caused by non-communicable diseases. The first conference of the International Scientific Committee on Exercise Medicine was held on March 18-19 in Dubai. Professionals from twelve countries attended. Tzu Chi University Professor Sen-Fang Huang was appointed an executive committee member, and chairperson of the committee which is responsible for establishing education and training programs for clinical exercise physiology professionals, as well as setting up guidelines for licensure examinations. This NGO was founded through assistance of the WHO team of Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and European Medical Association. It aims to prevent numerous non-communicable diseases, which have been affecting humanity’s health in a serious fashion, from spreading. Non-communicable diseases are the causes of 70% of deaths
  • 2020年6月慈濟醫療基金會和阿滋海默症協會(Alzheimer’s Association)宣布擴大合作夥伴關係,以期能為華人社區提供阿滋海默症的相關檢測、診斷、護理、治療、研究和倡導相關重要訊息。
  • SDG2、SDG12、SDG13:12.03 聯合國氣候變化框架公約第二十四次締約國會議(UNFCCC COP24),12月2至14日在波蘭南部西利西亞省的卡托維茲(Katowice)舉行,來自全球近二百個國家代表,以及非政府組織、企業行業等約二萬人參加,各國代表就2015年通過的「巴黎協議」實施細則,以及各國落實減碳、減塑計畫的目標和實際執行狀況進行討論。慈濟基金會今年第六次參加會議,由十五位職工暨志工組成工作團隊,自12月3日起參與多場周邊會議、召開十場記者會、設攤介紹慈濟環保志業及推廣慈悲科技產品,以及與其他國家代表、組織團體交流,同時也觀摩其他綠能研發成果等。在純素推廣議題方面,由大林慈濟醫院副院長林名男(本校合聘教師),分享慈濟醫療體系所做的綠色醫療,除了在醫療領域致力減碳,臺北慈濟醫院更有全臺唯一只提供素食餐點的星巴克。The Katowice Climate Change Conference of the United Nations (COP24) was held December 2-14, 2018 in Katowice, Poland. Tzu Chi Foundation organized a team which was composed of staff from Tzu Chi affiliates and Tzu Chi volunteers, a total of fifteen persons, who attended. Team members attended numerous meetings, held ten press conferences, and set up booths to introduce how Tzu Chi volunteers have been carrying out environmental protection practices around the world, letting participants know how Tzu Chi’s Da-Ai Technology Co. Ltd. has been transforming recycled items to useful consumer goods and industrial materials, and makes innovative products geared toward affectees of natural or man-made disasters. Team members also interacted with representatives from other countries. Deputy superintendent of Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital Ming-Nan Lin and Tzu Chi University’s jointed appointed faculty member, shared what green healthcare has been implemented in Tzu Chi hospitals.
  • SDG3:09.22 「2018年國際慈濟人醫年會」22至25日在花蓮靜思堂舉辦,以「人醫之愛,廣披寰宇」為主題,來自二十一個國家地區、計六百七十三位學員展開多國人醫紀實分享、醫療技術交流。
  • SDG3:08.06 花蓮慈濟醫院承接衛生福利部新南向醫療計畫,以菲律賓為主要合作國家,發展醫療產業合作計畫,於6、7日先後與菲律賓桑托斯樞機主教醫療中心(Cardinal Santos Medical Center)、菲律賓公立骨科中心(Philippines Orthopedic Center)、中華崇仁醫院(Chinese General Hospital)等三家醫院簽訂合作意向書,進行國際醫療合作,並加強醫療人員交流訓練。花蓮慈院與三家醫院簽署合作備忘錄後,計劃以骨科、婦產科、中醫科、神經外科及幹細胞移植等領域,進行交流訓練。
  • SDG3:04.10 花蓮慈濟醫院參與國際合作發展基金會「友好國家醫事人員訓練計畫」,推動「史瓦帝尼孕產婦及嬰兒保健功能提升計畫」,於10日舉行揭牌儀式。為承接此計畫,花蓮慈院生殖醫學中心主任陳寶珠三度前往史瓦帝尼實地訪查,了解當地衛生所運作及病患就診狀況,思考許多醫療步驟在當地進行的可能性,以提出符合當地需求的醫療建議。
  • SDG3:04.27 臺北慈濟醫院與南菲律賓醫學中心(Southern Philippines Medical Center),分別由院長趙有誠與南菲律賓醫學中心副院長暨急診部主任瓦爾迪茲(Dr. Benedict Edward Valdez)代表,本日於臺北慈院簽署醫療建教合作備忘錄,雙方進行醫療經驗、技術與學術上的交流。
  • SDG3:自2017年起,生科系李政偉教授與花蓮慈濟醫院、新加坡大學以及宜蘭大學所組成的跨國研究團隊,從來自土壤真菌「里西裸囊菌」(Gymnoascus reessii)的聚乙烯吡咯系列衍化物中,找到一個可以在低劑量下抑制口腔癌生長及發展的化合物,其中「聚烯基吡咯衍生物作為製備口腔癌藥物之用途」(Use of a polyenylpyrrole derivative in preparation of anti-oral cancer drugs)於2019年榮獲美國發明專利。Since 2017, a multinational research team was composed of Tzu Chi University Professor Jeng-Woei Lee of the Department of life sciences, and other researchers of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, the University of Singapore, and National Ilan University has been working together. They have discovered the use of a polyenylpyrrole derivative in the preparation of anti-oral cancer drugs, derived from gymnoascus reessii. In 2019, the team was awarded a US patent (10,500,188).
  • SDG3、SDG4:慈濟大學與與泰國馬希竇大學醫學院博士學程合作,促成了台泰間第一個生醫領域雙聯博士學位學程,共同培育生物醫學研究人才, 2015以來已有三位博士生到慈濟大學就讀,雙方也陸續有學生及教授互訪,並定期研討交流,近年更有系統地合作研發泰國傳統藥草萃取化合物以預防及治療阿茲海默症,臨床前實驗成果豐碩。泰國神經科學會於2019年12月11日在曼谷朱拉蓬研究所舉辦年度研討會,邀請慈濟大學校長,也是醫學科學研究所教授劉怡均為大會第一場主題演講之講者,並於演講後頒發終身榮譽會士及傑出女科學家奬,以表彰劉校長開啟台泰神經科學教研合作,博士人才培育之努力,以及在記憶退化機轉研究之貢獻。Tzu Chi University worked with Mahidol University (Thailand) to offer the first dual doctoral degree program of Taiwan and Thailand, in the field of biomedicine. Moreover, the two universities plan to collaborate in training in biomedicine researchers.
  • SDG4:海外分會慈濟公費生培育計畫
  • SDG12:印度垃圾驚人 學者來台學習塑膠回收再利用。慈濟環保回收聞名全球!來自印度羅耀拉商業大學行政研究院國際合作主任Alagu Perumal Ramasamy副教授,對台灣的垃圾分類印象深刻,尤其是台灣慈濟的資源回收,將塑膠寶特瓶變成生活日常用品。Alagu副教授獲得外交部台灣獎助金,於2019年4月至6月到慈濟訪問,進行為期三個月的塑膠回收專題研究,並與慈濟大學的師生交流尋求兼顧環保與社區發展的方法。Professor Alagu Perumal Ramasamy of Loyola Institute of Business Administration was deeply impressed by recycling practices in Taiwan, especially Tzu Chi Foundation’s efforts to turn plastic bottles into daily necessities. Professor Alagu received a Taiwan Scholarship from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and stayed with Tzu Chi University from April to June 2019, to conduct a three-month study on plastic recycling.
  • SDG17:慈大受邀參與亞洲服務學習聯盟。為提升慈濟大學在亞洲地區大學服務學習之互動交流機會,慈濟大學於2019年申請加入Service-Learning Asia Network (SLAN) 亞洲服務學習聯盟,經聯盟秘書處資格審核通知成為會員,並邀請慈濟大學參與2019年度於新躍社科大學 (Singapore University of Social Science)舉辦的年會暨研討會。亞洲服務學習聯盟(SLAN)主要參與為亞洲國家的大學,主要會員大學為台灣、日本、韓國、中國、香港、越南、菲律賓、新加坡、印尼、印度等國家。亞洲服務學習聯盟(SLAN)提供會員大學服務學習意見交換平台,加強各大學區域與國際之間的網絡合作,會議中對於各大學服務學習課程發展、服務學習交換學生、研究的網絡合作、服務學習資源交流,例如:會員學校之間的服務學習交換學生、方式,提出交流的意見,薦送學生到會員的大學、或是SLAN成立獎學金供經濟弱勢學生申請海外服務學習交流活動等方案。To have more opportunities in working with other Asian universities in service-learning, Tzu Chi University joined the Service-Learning Asia Network (SLAN), which is an Asian Service-Learning Alliance. Moreover, Tzu Chi University participated in its 2019 annual conference held at the Singapore University of Social Science.
  • SDG13:本校自2014年申請加入國立臺灣師範大學成立的「臺灣綠色大學聯盟」,成為永久會員學校。該聯盟旨在爭取推動綠色大學發展資源,提昇大學永續經營與發展的內涵,以及連結國際與我國綠色大學領域之學術與實務等交流活動。校長並在歷任理監事選舉中當選擔任該會之理事或監事。In 2014, In 2014, Tzu Chi University joined the “Green University Union of Taiwan”, founded by National Taiwan Normal University, and became a permanent member. The Union aims to increase development resources for green universities, enhance the essence of university sustainable management and development, and assist our universities to collaborate with other overseas green universities in teaching, research, and practices in sustainable development.
  • SDG3:慈濟大學拍動畫反毒。鑒於K他命氾濫嚴重,而且使用者的年齡一直往下延伸,為強化毒品防制工作,2016年慈濟大學運用自身資源,結合法務部、教育部、衛福部食藥署毒品危害知識,製作兼具教育、專業、且具可看性的反毒動畫影片-「K他命運交響曲」(ketamine Symphony),無償提供各政府部門、學校宣導使用,希望藉此提升反毒教育的宣導效益。Since 2009, our university partnered with Ministry of Law, Ministry of Education, the Tzu Chi Foundation (NGO) in the areas of drug abuse among students. In 2017, our university produced an educational video for schools and public to promote the importance of drug abuse, corresponding to SDG Goal 3. Tzu Chi University produced an animation video entitled “Ketamine Symphony” to support the anti-drug abuse campaign. More people have been using ketamine, and users’ ages are getting younger. Tzu Chi University sees the need for standing firmly behind substance abuse prevention, so in 2016, it worked with the Ministry of Justice and Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, to produce an animation movie entitled “Ketamine Symphony,” telling the public how bad the drug would be for users. The production cost was solely provided by Tzu Chi University. After the movie was released, it was highly regarded by the public; consequently, Tzu Chi University decided to provide it to a large number of government agencies and schools at all In view of the serious proliferation of ketamine, Tzu Chi University used its own resources and information provided by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, and the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, in 2016, to produce an anti-drug animation film entitled “Ketamine Symphony”. The film is educational and produced professionally, and is well-liked by viewers. Tzu Chi University has provided thousands of copies, free of charge, to numerous government departments and schools at all levels, to enhance the effectiveness of anti-drug education. levels
  • SDG4:與志玄文教基金會產學合作,於全台灣15處及馬來西亞馬六甲、吉隆坡、檳城、新加坡、美國開設終身學習教育中心,107學年共開設3,351班次課程,學員數達58,664人。(績效報告71) Tzu Chi University has been working with Zhi Xuan Culture and Education Foundation, in a university-industry collaboration project, to set up lifelong learning centers in Taiwan and overseas. The lifelong learning centers are located in fifteen Taiwanese cities and towns, the cities of Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, and Penang in Malaysia, Singapore, numerous cities and towns in the United States, etc. From August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019, the lifelong learning centers have offered 3,351 courses, attended by 58,664.

SDG4:加入ewant 育網開放教育平台,推廣終身學習由國立交通大學於2013年建立的ewant育網開放教育平臺是臺灣第一個磨課師(massive open online courses, MOOCs)平臺,採用開放源碼的moodle線上教學系統作為平臺的核心,旨在為所有願意投入MOOCs運動的學校及單位提供一個展示及經營課程的平臺,也為所有想要免費利用線上課程的學習者提供方便的學習機會。慈濟大學自2015年度起,設置天空學院,並於2017年加入ewant積極推廣開放教育及利用線上課程鼓勵終身學習的風氣,推出多門獨具特色的線上課程,根據內容分為:開放式課程、大學基礎課程、通識課程、專業特色課程等四項。透過網路教學平台學習,學員可依據其需求規劃學習進度,完成修業並通過評量之後將頒給修業證明。慈大天空學院期許帶動校園學習數位化及國際化,持續推出具有特色之高品質教育資源、推廣終身學習、輔助學生學習、優質課程典藏。107學年共開設32班次課程,學員數達5104人。 Tzu Chi University set up TCU Learning Paradise in 2015, and joined ewant in 2017 to promote open education and offer online courses to encourage lifelong learning. The University has launched a number of online courses, which have been well-liked by students. From August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019, a total of 32 courses were offered, with 5,104 students taking them.

  • SDG4:加入臺灣高等教育教學專業發展學會(Taiwan Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education,縮寫為 TPOD),本校劉怡均校長及顏瑞鴻副校長分別擔任第二屆及第三屆理事。由本校共同發起之TPOD創立於2015年,為提供各區域大學院校教學中心一個統整平台、鞏固臺灣高等教育教學與組織專業發展,所成立之高校教學發展學會。藉由定期舉辦或參與國內外高等教育專業研討會、工作坊、社群或分享活動,促進國內外相關學者之經驗交流及互惠,並藉此提升國內高等教育之教學品質與國際能見度。The “Taiwan Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education” (TPOD) was organized by Tzu Chi University and other higher education institutions in Taiwan. Since its inception in 2015, TPOD has been providing an integrated platform for consolidating the teaching endeavors of universities/colleges, assisting to maintain higher education quality, and helping its members to enhance the professional development of faculty members and staff. Tzu Chi University president Ingrid Liu and vice president Jui-Hung Yen have served on its board for two terms.
  • SDG4:慈濟大學與台灣教學資源中心平台合作,自2013年起每年承辦「全國新進教師研習營」。臺灣教學資源中心整合並分享臺灣高等教育之教與學資源,收錄優質開放式數位課程、提升教師之教學知能、關注教育議題、提升教育成效,增進大學校院間相互交流與卓越成長。本校主責教學資源平台之全國新進教師研習營工作。2018年全國新進教師研習營共有21所學校70名教師報名參加研訓。
  • SDG4:參加「中華民國私立大學校院協進會」。本協進會以提昇高等教育水準,促進私立大學校院校務發展為宗旨。增進私立大學校院學術教育地位與社會聲譽、推展國內外學術交流,促進教育改革,提昇高等教育水準。Tzu Chi University joined “The Private University/College Association”, which was funded to enhance the quality of higher education and university or college development. Specifically, the Association aims to augment the reputations of private universities and colleges, further academic exchanges with other institutions in Taiwan and elsewhere, carry out educational reforms, and enhance the quality of higher education. (第2頁)
  • SDG4:與花蓮縣政府合作經營花蓮洄瀾親子館。花蓮縣洄瀾親子館108年度委託慈濟大學兒童發展與家庭教育學系經營管理,除了提供親子共遊空間外,還有社工進駐,給予父母和孩子適當的協助。洄瀾親子館整體空間規劃分齡分區,針對0-2歲寶寶設計探索區,包括大動作區、觸覺區、積木區;2-6歲的孩子則配置操作體驗區,規劃益智角、閱讀角、積木角及角色扮演角,以空間分齡的服務模式,達到適性適齡並兼具更安全及友善的活動環境,使家長能跟家中的寶貝們一起共作共遊。
  • SDG3:與花蓮慈濟醫學中心產學合作,開辦「慈濟同心圓日照中心」。本校與花蓮慈濟醫學中心產學合作,「慈濟同心圓日照中心」於108年9月正式啟用,提供失能或失智長者日間照顧服務以及日照喘息、社區復能等服務。提供本校長照學分學程、醫學系、護理系、社工系等相關學系實習及教學場域,儲訓長照相關專業照護人才。Tzu Chi University and Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital launched the “Tzu Chi Concentric Circles Daycare Center”, which provides day care services for the disabled or elderly with dementia, as well as other needed daycare services and rehabilitation, etc. The Center provides opportunities for Tzu Chi University students, such as those in medicine, nursing, or social work, to carry out their internship training. This Center also helps prepare students who are interested in long-term care to become professional care providers.
  • SDG3:慈濟大學醫資系與花蓮愛加倍協會、慈濟醫院及秀林鄉衛生所合作,開發「社區據點管理系統」及「健康地理資訊系統」,功能包含提供給長照機構安排關懷據點的事務和相關的統計工作、長輩紀錄每次活動時生理量測資訊、每周課表、繳費與餘額等功能,簽到APP子系統則提供志工和長者以掃描QR Code來代替原本的紙本簽到和人工紀錄量測資訊。Tzu Chi University’s Department of Medical Informatics collaborated with Hualien Double Love Association, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, and Xiulin Township Health Center to develop the “Community Center Management System” and “Health Geographic Information System”. These systems aim to assist long-term care organizations to manage their daily activities and carry out statistical analysis of a community center, such as keeping health records for the elderly, coming up with weekly class schedules, handling payments, calculating cash balances, etc. Moreover, the sign-in APP helps volunteers and the elderly to sign up and fill in their health information easily, by scanning a QR code.
  • SDG9:與宜花東三縣各大學及工業技術研究院、石材暨資源產業研究發展中心、花蓮文創園區及中區育成聯盟TBIA等共同建構「東部聯合育成聯盟」,以強化地方產業競爭優勢,促進東部產業發展。Tzu Chi University collaborates with other universities located in eastern Taiwan, the Industrial Technology Research Institute, the Stone and Resource Industry R&D Center, Hualien Cultural and Creativity Park, and the Taiwan Business Incubators Alliance (TBIA) of the Central Region to fund the Taiwan Business Incubators Alliance (TBIA) of the Eastern Region. This alliance aims to enhance industry competitiveness in eastern Taiwan, and help these industries to keep moving forward.
  • SDG4:本校圖書館加入各種圖書館聯盟(全國文獻傳遞服務系統、中華圖書資訊館際合作協會、臺灣醫學圖書館學會),透過聯盟組織,國內外各醫院圖書館可交流取得所缺少/需要的健康與醫學資訊。To provide better services, Tzu Chi University Library works with numerous organizations, such as the Nationwide Document Delivery Service, the Interlibrary Cooperation Association, and Taiwan Medical Library Association. Through working with these organizations, domestic and overseas hospital libraries can obtain their needed health and medical information; likewise, Tzu Chi University can get needed information from other libraries. (序號164)
  • SDG1:國際志工日慈大師生分享愛 捐贈物資給安得烈銀行12月5日為國際志工日,慈濟大學邀請師生們共同參與「集食行善」食物募集計畫,所有募得的食物將捐給中華安得烈慈善協會(安得烈食物銀行),師生們今日並擔任志工,協助食物的分類和打包,並由慈大王本榮校長代表學校贈送物資與安得烈食物銀行,王本榮校長表示,台灣現在貧富差距大,希望透過安得烈銀行有智慧地將食物分享給需要的人。December 5 is International Volunteer Day. On this day, Tzu Chi University’s faculty members, staff and students participated in “Collecting Food for the Needy and Loving the Public”. All the foods collected were donated to the Andrew Charity Association (Andrew Food Bank). Faculty members, staff and students also volunteered to sort and pack the foods.
  • SDG3:人醫菲揚國際志工隊。慈濟大學人醫菲揚國際志工隊於2013年成立,當年菲律賓受海燕颱風襲擊,損失慘重,更有多人死傷,慈濟大學「人醫菲揚」志工服務團配合慈濟基金會人醫會醫師,前往災區進行大型義診,並協助衛生教育之宣傳工作,同時開啟國際志工之路,至2019年止已連續7年前往服務。2019年共有29名師生,於7/14-7/22至菲律賓參與義診、發放、訪貧,到社區與學校進行衛教宣導、與姐妹校交流,從「見苦知福」當中學習「同理心」。The Student Volunteer Team of the Medical Outreach Project in the Philippines was organized in 2013. Since then, student volunteers have been working with medical professionals of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association and Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines, to serve the needy there. In 2019, a total of 29 volunteers, comprising faculty members, staff and students took part in this project. Students hand-delivered necessities to the needy, visited deprived communities and underprivileged families, assisted medical professionals to conduct free clinics, and provided health education to community residents and elementary school students.
  • SDG3:慈大人本醫療社 辦理衛教技巧工作坊。自民國2014年開始,慈濟大學人本醫療社-由慈濟大學學生組成的志工服務性社團。創立10幾年的人本醫療社(簡稱人醫社)以「傳播愛與溫暖」為初衷,「人本服務」為導向,「醫人醫病醫心」為目標,總共有5個分隊:南華、松浦、老復、兒復、課輔,服務對象擴及各年齡層,出隊地點包含偏鄉學府和深山部落,服務內容則涵蓋衛教、陪伴、關懷、課輔…等等。
  • SDG3:人醫社服務原住民長者,獲得教育部肯定。慈濟大學人醫社松浦文化健康營獲得教育部青年發展署「107年青年志工服務績優團隊」佳行獎。人醫社自2015年開始到花蓮玉里松浦服務,寒暑假兩次四天三夜的出隊,在學期中並到長者家中家訪,了解長者需求。位在花蓮玉里的松浦文化健康站,主要服務對象是當地阿美族的長者,人醫社每學期固定到松浦健康服務站舉辦活動。松浦文化健康站老人很多都是獨居,人醫社將「防跌」列為重點項目,教導老人家訓練肌肉的方法,還會設計衛教活動,智力遊戲和生命繪本等,聽聽老人家們說自己的的故事,陪伴一起玩遊戲,大學生就像是他們的孫子一樣,營隊期間「FAGI」「FAYI」(長輩稱呼)特別有活力。、
  • SDG3:Miharasi見晴醫療服務隊。2006年成立,由慈濟大學醫學系及物治系學生組成,自成隊以來於花蓮之各國小舉辦活動,到最後有機會與見晴國小合作,並決定長期深耕於花蓮偏遠地區──萬榮鄉見晴社區。以關懷孩童為主,再將這份關懷擴展至孩童之家庭及社區,實踐醫學人文精神,並落實慈濟 證嚴上人之大愛理念。Miharasi volunteer team serves indigenous children. From 2006, students of medicine and physical therapy started serving children in Hualien’s elementary schools. Later, they focused on serving indigenous children studying at Jian Ching Elementary School, which is located in Wanrong, a small township of 6,300 residents, and most of them are Truku tribal people. Student volunteers have been attending to the needs of these indigenous children, and extending their loving care to the children’s families and their community
  • SDG4:慈大見晴服務隊推動偏鄉小朋友養成閱讀習慣。慈大見晴服務隊自2007年開始到萬榮鄉見晴國小服務,每學期有兩次的陪伴以及寒假營隊。慈濟大學看見晴天醫療服務隊2019年1月25日到28日在見晴國小舉辦營隊,包括慈大醫學系和物理治療學系62位同學進駐見晴國小外,還特別安排見晴國小中、高年級的同學到慈科大健康故事屋享受書香世界。2019寒假營隊課程寓教於樂包括有開營典禮、心理健康、2018新聞回顧、社區打掃、環境教育、電影欣賞、嘉年華、運動會、營火晚會、家訪、繪本閱讀等,累積十幾年的活動經驗和與社區的感情,今年首次加入親子共讀,現在他們不只關懷見晴國小的小朋友,更希望帶動家庭,讓孩童在進入小學前就能有閱讀的習慣。
  • SDG3:「大學社會責任實踐計畫」 慈大師生深入社區關懷長者隨著人口結構逐漸老化,高齡人口健康與照顧成為社會重視的面向。這學期慈濟大學高慧娟副教授在實踐大學社會責任計畫(USR)的支持,師生前往偏鄉進行系列性社區關懷活動,共44名學生進入4個部落與6個社區關懷據點,參與服務475名長者。
  • SDG3:衛了部落。台灣花東地區原住民族人數約佔所有居民人數的四分之一,由於原住民族長期處於經濟、社會、文化、健康上的弱勢,原住民是慈濟大學關懷與服務的對象。慈濟大學公共衛生學系及碩士班長期致力於探討原住民族生理及心理的健康議題,本校公共衛生學系學生集合系內/外之資源,將平日所學透過實際參與及服務,應用於部落原住民的健康促進,實踐關懷弱勢、回饋社會的理想。希望以長期經營的方式深根社區,持續提供健康促進為主、提昇健康智能為輔之服務,並建立知識資訊交流平台,以利健康學術研究成果與部落傳統知識之整合,規劃適合當地民情之健康促進計畫,實現健康營造因地制宜之精神。Twenty-five percent of those living in Hualien and Taitung Counties are indigenous people. Tzu Chi University’s Department of Public Health has been devoted to studying the physical and mental health issues of indigenous people and practical ways to enhance their wellbeing. Students have applied what they learned to work with indigenous people, by providing practical ways for them to carry on in their daily lives, and meanwhile, enrich their common sense about health. Moreover, students set up a channel to link their research projects with the tribe’s common practices, in order to come up with feasible action plans for them to enhance their wellbeing. This project was awarded second place by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, on “College students spending their summer break to serve indigenous people, or those who live on offshore islands
  • SDG3:推廣正確中醫知識 慈大舉辦「2019山海間之中醫營」。慈濟大學學士後中醫學系自1月25日到27日舉辦三天兩夜的「2019山海間之中醫營」,三天營隊課程包含中草藥辨識、藥園參訪、針灸拔罐體驗、中醫推拿手法、藥膳製作、外用藥膏製作等,帶領參與學員認識博大精深的中醫文化,40位高中生透過實作增進中醫等保健知識,更能夠將中醫活用於日常生活之中。
  • SDG3:慈大長者關懷服務團隊 讓長者元氣滿滿。慈濟大學以深耕兼容慈濟人文與利他服務的教育特色為發展目標之一,由慈濟大學人文處成立長者服務設計團隊結合慈濟基金會的社區關懷據點,藉由這樣的平台,認識鄰居,也提供一個平台,邀約有興趣做社區服務的師長和同學一起加入。從長者的需要中,結合團隊成員專才及校内師生所學專業,自2017年起每個月固定時間在社區推動長者關懷,藉由遊戲、活動並兼顧身心靈健康朝向健康促進、樂齡學習、人際互動、發揮良能等四大核心方向設計合適活動方案。
  • SDG2、SDG12:慈大青年號召加入「麻煩生活—20週的守護地球行動」。慈濟大學醫學系國事部公共衛生部門,即將於11月12日推出長達20週的「麻煩生活—20週的守護地球行動」,其中包括有零垃圾挑戰,夜市環保餐盒挑戰,一周垃圾紀錄,環保素食活動,電子發票等,希望號召喜歡挑戰,想要改變生活的朋友一起參加,生活多一點麻煩其實會讓生命更美好喔。The School of Medicine has launched a 20-week project entitled “Protecting the Earth, and Causing You a Bit of Inconvenience”, which included numerous challenging programs, such as producing zero waste, encouraging the use of reusable utensils in night markets, recording the amount of garbage produced within one week, switching to the vegetarian diet, donating electronic invoices, etc. Students hoped to call for those who love to take on challenges or to change their lifestyles. A bit inconvenience might make our lives much better.粉專網址:、
  • 川愛志工(SDG4、SDG12、SDG13)慈濟大學「川愛志工隊」自2011年起投入四川人文教育服務,期許藉由活潑多元的營隊課程與生動有趣的宣導,讓「環保、善行與孝道」觀念深植人心,建構永續發展的世界地球村。「川愛志工隊」有三個意涵:(1)服務地點為中國四川地震後的重建學校與社區;(2)服務團隊由三類成員組成:慈濟大學師生、全國其他大學慈青社有豐富服務經驗學生、以及慈濟教師聯誼會中小學教師;(3)服務主軸為「環保、行善與行孝」三項人文教育,並藉由轉化型方案的設計與執行讓愛川流不息。慈大川愛志工隊的海外服務有兩大主軸:「青年培力」與「兒童營隊」。2019年的方案名稱為「蜀光蘇行」「蜀」代表四川,「蘇」則為蘇州,以前面幾年的服務經驗為基礎,臺灣大學生先飛抵蘇州服務一週,再飛往四川服務兩週,藉由與中國大陸青年志工的協同服務平台,透過「設計思考」工作坊的實作,提升兩岸大學生建構以服務對象為需求的世界公民實踐力。此外,兩岸大學生也共同為農民工子弟、留守兒童與貧困山區學童辦理「夢想高飛營」,為創造美好社會盡一份心力。獲教育部2019年海外和平工作團隊 非「銅」小可獎肯定。TCUSCLOVE was founded in 2011 and it has been serving children living in Sichuan Province, China. Student volunteers instill the concepts of “protecting our environment, doing good deeds and loving our parents” into children’s minds, through their fun and inspiring programs. The student volunteers wish to work with these children to maintain a sustainable world. In 2017, a total of forty volunteers, including TCU’s faculty members, staff and students, plus several volunteers from Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, went to Sichuan Province and served there. The team received an award from the Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education in 2017, for their good efforts in serving the needy elsewhere. TCUSCLOVE has three unique features: It focuses on serving children living in areas which were severely affected by a major earthquake in 2008. The volunteers have extensive experience serving others, and they are TCU’s faculty members, staff and students, Tzu Chi Collegiate Association members of other universities, and elementary/high school teachers of Tzu Chi Teacher Association. The team has set up clear educational goals, namely “protecting our environment, doing good deeds and loving our parents.” The team carries out the goals through well-planned and implemented programs, with the aim of their students applying what they have learned in their daily lives、
  • SDG4:師資培育中心教育史懷哲計畫-心苗志工隊。慈濟大學師資培育中心2007年起成立心苗志工隊,執行「實踐史懷哲精神教育服務計畫」,招募師資生前往中小學和偏鄉學校進行課業輔導。至2019年已經邁入第13年。2018年服務計畫,7/6~7/28於富源國中、馬遠國小辦理,共國一~國三30位學生、國小一~四年級21位學生參與,服務師資生22位。Tzu Chi University’s Center for Teacher Training organized a student volunteer team in 2007 to implement the “Following Shihuaizhe’s Spirit to Provide Education Services” project. Faculty members, staff and students have been visiting elementary and junior high schools located in rural areas of Hualien County to provide tutoring services. This academic year is the 13th year since its inception in 2007. From August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019, 22 students served a total of 51 pupils at two elementary schools. 2018年活動成果:
  • SDG4:兒家系暑期海外教育志工服務。慈濟大學有17位兒家系學生,趁著暑假到慈濟馬來西亞分會各所幼兒園實習,藉著不同文化體驗,來增進自己的幼教常識。慈濟大學暑期志工團,一來到檳城機場,立刻受到熱情的歡迎,他們將在馬來西亞分會各幼兒園,進行二個星期的實習體驗。Seventeen students of the Department of Child Development and Family Studies went to Malaysia for their internship training during the summer break. While serving Tzu Chi kindergarteners there, the students experienced cultural differences and enhanced their teaching skills and knowledge of the children, who were in their early childhood.
  • SDG4:本校與在地國小合作,結合大學生的英語學習經驗與外國學生的英文優勢,自2010起與北昌國小合作,利用中午休息時間進行英文課輔,迄今仍持續進行。Since 2010, Tzu Chi University has been working with Bei-Chang Elementary School. Domestic and international student volunteers have been providing English tutoring sessions to children who lag behind their peers in learning, during the lunch period, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On average, a total of fifty student volunteers participate in this project every semester. This project has been well-liked and supported by the children, their teachers and parents, as well as the University’s student volunteers.
  • SDG4:本校人類發展與心理學系帶領學生自2014年起長期關懷花蓮縣新城鄉佳民國小學童,為偏鄉社區學童進行一對一課後輔導,透過陪伴學習,提高弱勢學生的學習興趣。Since 2014, students of the Department of Human Development and Psychology have been caring for the children of Jia-Min Elementary School in Hualien County. Student volunteers have been providing one-on-one after-school tutoring, to enhance the children’s learning interest through their accompanying and guidance.
  • SDG4:慈大YABI兒童劇「袋比的救難旅程」以地震為主題 用音樂和舞蹈帶給小朋友一場冒險和互助之旅。慈濟大學兒童發展與家庭教育學系Yabi兒童劇「袋比的救難旅程」 2月26日起陸續在花蓮北埔國小、3月7日富里國小、3月8日在紅葉國小、3月13日春日國小進行巡迴公演,每場國小的演出還邀請附近的國小一起參加,包括有國福國小、水源國小、學田小學、東竹國小,明里國小,永豐國小,學田國小、松浦國小、卓樂國小等學校的學生觀賞兒童劇。今年兒童劇「袋比的救難旅程」,是以2018年0206花蓮地震為主題創作的兒童劇,以寓教於樂的方式,提醒小朋友們要認真進行地震演習,地震來時更要保持冷靜,災難過後同伴間互相合作幫助度過難關。花蓮縣徐榛蔚縣長表示,Yabi兒童劇團是慈濟大學非常好的傳承,每年都帶給花蓮孩童非常大的喜悅,透過兒童劇小朋友們學習很多。
  • SDG4:海外華語志工團。慈濟大學華語教學學程「海外華語教育暨服務志工團」,已持續七年,以一年一會的方式,帶著不同的華語實習教師,來到需要學習華語的泰國、印尼、越南課室,2019年有24位學生至泰國、印尼教學實習,見證海外華語教育版圖的生命力。2018年慈濟大學海外華語教學暨服務志工團是全國唯一榮獲僑委會、海華文教基金會聯合舉辦的「蹲點僑世界」志工攝影競賽,評審團的雙佳作肯定。這份榮耀,屬於慈濟大學、屬於東方語文學系、屬於海外華語教學團每一位夥伴,更歸功於海內外慈濟家人與師長們的陪伴與支持。Tzu Chi University’s Student Volunteer Team for Teaching Chinese Language and Serving the needy Overseas have visited several Southeast Asian countries every year. In 2019, 24 students taught Chinese in Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, where local children wanted to learn Chinese.
  • 社工系《泰young》泰北寒期國際志工服務隊。慈濟大學社工系為增進學生競爭力,拓展國際事業,特成立此泰北服務隊,結合兩門志願服務課程,使社工系學生能結合專業知能,學以致用。自2018年開始,服務隊決定要扎根泰北,目標從學生自我學習拓展到培力當地青少年,與亞洲最大的NGO組織—慈濟基金會合作,連結清邁、清萊地區之學校,瞭解當地學生之需求,以社會工作之技能與理論、長期性陪伴,刺激當地青少年的視野、向外拓展,培力其成立在地服務性組織。In order to enhance students’ competitiveness and expand their international perspectives, the Department of Social Work organized “Thai Young”, which is an International Volunteer Service Team. This project is related to the department’s two service-learning courses. Student volunteers go to northern Thailand and utilize their professional skills and knowledge in social work, to accompany children there, broadening their views, and assisting them to step out of their comfort zones. Eventually, the student volunteers wish to assist local people to set up an organization and recruit local volunteers to attend to local needs. 2019年寒假服務成果
  • 花蓮秋季淨灘 慈濟大學不缺席 。花蓮縣環境保護局結合無塑藝文市集及「唱秋音樂祭」,邀集花蓮各團體,希望辦理一場不一樣的「日淨夜唱」淨灘活動。而慈濟大學學務處為協助學生社團活動多元發展,並輔導社團活動能結合聯合國永續發展指標(SDGs),規劃「山、海、戀」環保愛鄉計畫,希望慈濟大學的學生不但能在社團中尋求自我肯定,也能走入社會環保議題中進行自我實踐,所以此次的淨灘活動,慈濟大學當然沒缺席。To assist the diverse development of student clubs, and guide clubs to integrate the United Nations’ sustainable development goals into their activities, the Office of Student Affairs sponsored the “Loving Our Mountains and Ocean” to clean up beaches and care for local communities. This project aims to assist students to seek self-recognition from attending their clubs’ activities, and carry out actions to help the public in protecting the environment.
  • 慈濟大學人文社會學院與花蓮縣文化局簽訂教育與學術研究合作(「產業文化化,文化產業化」)
  • 自2017年開始推動大學社會責任實踐計畫(University Social Responsibility, USR)
  • 「食在永續-綠色在地公民經濟推動計畫」計畫(2017/4/1-2019/12/31)
  1. 以「食」為主題整合在地生產與消費端的99%在地公民經濟,以「食」為主軸,串穿「節能減碳」、「循環經濟」、「參與保障」及「在地農業」四個面向,課程分為「生產端」及「消費端」課群構成在地循環的綠色經濟,以達成環境及經濟永續。Tzu Chi University funded the “Sustainability is from Our Daily Diet: Helping to Move the Local Green Economy Forward” project. Specifically, the project’s goals are “energy saving and carbon reduction”, “a circular economy”, “a participation guarantee”, and “local farming”. To reach these goals, the University set up a Consumer Cooperative to provide healthy foods to university members and the public, making efforts to enable consumers to meet producers face-to-face, and through communication with each other, consumers can understand the entire production process, as well as reasons why the producers chose organic farming. To assist students, two sets of courses are offered focusing on consumers and producers, as well as introduction of a circular economy and a green economy. Through these efforts, the University wishes to lend a hand to sustainable development in the environment and economy. (SDG2、SDG12)
  2. 「洄瀾風華.文創加值」在地觀光精粹計畫The “Creating a Magnificent Hualien by Making Cultural and Creative Efforts” project is to assist Hualien to be a popular tourist location. The project aims to invite local universities, industries, government agencies, and NGOs to work together, especially with participation from local universities/colleges’ faculty members, staff and students. The project expects to train more tourism professionals, help the local tourism industry to make a turnaround, and make Hualien a popular place for tourists. (2017/1/1-2019/12/31)
  3. 由本校整合花蓮地區大學扮演地區知識中心,連結在地業界、地方政府及民間組織資源,透過跨校跨領域師生共同參與,期許能為在地培育人才,協助在地觀光產業翻轉,打造獨一無二的「洄瀾風華」。(SDG8、SDG11)
  • SDG3:與慈濟醫療法人合作,推動各項以病人為中心、以醫療為導向的研究合作方案。Tzu Chi University collaborates with Tzu Chi Medical Foundation to carry out various patient-centered and healthcare-oriented research projects.包括:
    1. 推動基礎醫學與臨床相結合之醫學研究與應用,2018年與中央研院院及慈濟醫療法人簽訂2018/10/1~2022/12/31為期4年之「慈濟與中央研究院研究合作計畫」,強化研究能量,深化特色研究,藉以提昇創新醫學研發能量和積極開發具新穎藥物標的之潛力。每年投入5000萬元,共核定6件研究計畫,每個研究計畫團隊成員均包括慈濟大學、慈濟醫療法人及中央研究院三方研究人員。To implement a project integrating fundamental medicine and clinical applications, in 2018, Tzu Chi University and Tzu Chi Medical Foundation signed a “Research Collaboration between Tzu Chi and Academia Sinica” agreement with the Academia Sinica to enhance the university’s research capabilities and deepen the uniqueness of its research. Moreover, the University expects to augment its innovation in medical research and the development of novel drugs. A total of NT$50 million will be funded each year and for the time being, six research projects have been approved.
    2. 與慈濟醫療法人產學合作,以提升醫療品質,改善全民健康福祉為宗旨,合作推動整合型研究計畫。Tzu Chi University works with Tzu Chi Medical Foundation to carry out integrated research projects with an aim to improve healthcare quality and the public’s well-being.
    3. 慈濟基金會產學合作,推動環保與永續、慈善與難民、婦女與兩性、佛法與法脈等相關研究。Tzu Chi University works with Tzu Chi Foundation on numerous university- industry collaboration research projects, such as environmental protection and sustainability, charity and refugees, women and gender, Buddhist studies and schools of Buddhism, etc.